
By Maddi McLean – Year 10.

On 2-3 March, 14 Cathedral students from Years 10-12 (Jack Roseby, Alex Pastega, Kayden Crome, William West, Maddi McLean, Grace Burrows, Summer Mason, Lily Johnston, Bjorn Hyseni, Do Young Park, Annabel Goddard, Abbygail Vets, Spycer Morse, Tami Mana) participated in the UN Youth Forum Townsville Conference entitled Navigating Diplomacy: Power and Influence.

On Saturday we took part in two workshops, the first around the concept of diplomacy and whether it is advantageous. The second workshop then focused on power and the military.
We then took part in an IPS (interactive problem-solving) task, with the background being the Cuban missiles. We were divided into three groups representing, Cuba, the USA and Russia, and we had to maintain our objective and choose actions to achieve success against the other countries. After this, we did our first model UN debate on military exercises.

Sunday was filled with heated model resolutions such as near-space technology and democracy versus artificial intelligence. Two of our students, Alec Pastega and Jack Roseby, won the Evatt Competition, successfully representing their allocated country in a mock UN Security Council diplomacy exercise. They have been selected to participate in the State Final in August. Congratulations, Alec and Jack.
We finished the day with an opportunity to voice our opinions on what we believe is good about Australia and what could be improved. These ideas will be taken to the UN General Assembly. Overall, the weekend was filled with challenges and lots of problem solving.

Alec Pastega and Jack Roseby, winners of the Evatt Competition, will participate in the State Final in August.

Sunday was filled with heated model resolutions such as near-space technology and democracy versus artificial intelligence. Two of our students, Alec Pastega and Jack Roseby, won the Evatt Competition, successfully representing their allocated country in a mock UN Security Council diplomacy exercise. They have been selected to participate in the State Final in August. Congratulations, Alec and Jack.
We finished the day with an opportunity to voice our opinions on what we believe is good about Australia and what could be improved. These ideas will be taken to the UN General Assembly. Overall, the weekend was filled with challenges and lots of problem solving.

To find out more about the UN Youth State Conference (QLD) visit

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